Karori Normal School


Health and Safety Information


At Karori Normal School (KNS) we have a number of policies, systems and procedures designed to keep children, staff and visitors to our school healthy and safe.



If you notice anything which concerns you regarding health and safety at KNS please email the office, office@kns.school.nz , with a photograph if possible, and this will be forwarded to the school’s Health and Safety committee for action.


Absence Notification

Parents/Caregivers are asked to notify the school absence line, 04 4767209, if their children are absent from school.  Each morning a member of the office team checks the completed class rolls with the names of all children whose absence has been notified.  A member of the school office team then attempts to contact the parents/caregivers of all children whose absence has not been notified.  This is to check that the children are safe and that their whereabouts is known by their parents/caregivers.


Behaviour Management

Behaviour management is a key part of team discussion and a range of age appropriate strategies are used.  Our Deputy Principals, Andrea Peetz and Carol Pilcher, have overall responsibility for behaviour management across the school and supporting staff in dealing with behavioural issues.  Behaviour management at our school is proactive and based on our five school values:



Behaviour Management - Prevention of Bullying Guidelines

Bullying and behaviour which is hurtful towards others is unacceptable at KNS.  We aim to provide an environment in which bullying is not tolerated and children feel safe.  


There are five identifying features of bullying:

  •  It is deliberate, hurtful behaviour
  • It is repeated over a period of time 
  • It is often difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves
  • It is difficult for those who bully to learn new social behaviours
  • Those who bully have, and exercise power over, the victim.  (Kia Kaha in Your School, NZ Police)


At the start of each school year, all classes focus on understanding the school values and on what they mean for how children interact in the classroom and playground.  The values are revisited regularly to ensure that they remain a focus throughout the school year.  There are a range of strategies within classes and teams, which positively reinforce the KNS values and focus on building a positive culture.


Behaviour Management - Procedures for Dealing with Hurtful Behaviour

 All reports of hurtful behaviour are treated seriously.  When instances of hurtful behaviour occur the staff member concerned follows the process outlined below:


  • The staff member listens to the child or children, and gathers the information necessary to clarify what has happened.  Staff use their professional judgment in deciding whether to have a conversation with children individually or not, this is of particular importance when there is an imbalance in ages of the children involved.
  • The child/children are assured that they have acted correctly in reporting the hurtful behaviour.
  • This information is passed on to the appropriate class teacher/s and/or team leader/s either in written or oral form.  This is to enable class teachers to track any patterns of behaviour.
  • If necessary the class teacher and team leader develop appropriate strategies for the perpetrator/s in consultation with the appropriate Deputy Principal where required.  Emphasis is placed on changing the perpetrator/s behaviour while supporting the child who has been hurt.


Behaviour Management - Procedures for Dealing with Bullying

 In cases which are considered to be bullying (see features of bullying above) the steps below are followed, as well as those outlined for dealing with hurtful behaviour:


  • Follow up is discussed with the bullied child.  The class teacher regularly monitors the child and any children who have provided information to ensure there have been no further instances of bullying.
  • The parents of both the bullied child and the perpetrator are contacted by the class teacher, team leader or Deputy Principal to discuss the bullying and to develop an action plan which will be put in place.  These actions will be carried out in a timely manner.
  • A record of the bullying is recorded on the school’s Student Management System.
  • The appropriate Deputy Principal is informed of all instances of bullying. 


Emergency Procedures and Lockdown Procedures 

The school has developed procedures for situations in which an emergency requires either evacuation or lockdown:


Food Allergies

While we have children at Karori Normal School with high level food allergies, no foods are banned. Classes that have children who do have such allergies follow protocols to minimise risks to those children. Families are asked to be aware that children do have allergies to such foods as peanuts and to show discretion when packing morning tea and lunch for their child.


Hazard Identification and Risk Management

 A range of daily, weekly and monthly hazard and risk identification checks are carried out by the caretaker.  In addition to these checks the Health and Safety Committee carries out termly hazard and risk identification checks.  Each term parents/caregivers are reminded, via the school newsletter, to report any concerns regarding health and safety.  The Board of Trustees carried out termly audits of aspects of the school’s Health and safety systems and procedures.


Head Lice

From time to time children get head lice.  If a child has head lice, the class teacher is to contacts the medical room officer who will contact the child’s parents/caregivers and also arrange for a letter to be sent home to all parents/caregivers of children in the class informing them of the need to check their children’s hair and to seek treatment if head lice are found. 

Norovirus (Vomiting and Diarrhoea bugs)

Norovirus is highly infectious and spreads easily from person to person. Both faeces (‘poos’) and vomit are infectious, and the virus can survive on contaminated surfaces even after cleaning with some disinfectants.

People with norovirus are infectious for at least 3 days after the symptoms stop and on some occasions for up to 2 weeks.

Please keep your child away from school 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.

Medical Room

The Medical Room is situated in the Administration Block and is equipped with first aid supplies. The Medical Room is overseen by our medical room officer.  The Medical Room Officer also maintains the student health register.


Children who are sick or hurt are sent to the medical room via the school office. Office staff will phone parents/caregivers if this is necessary.  Parents/caregivers will be contacted by a member of the office team if there are any incidents involving a child suffering a head injury or fainting.  


The Karori Medical Centre is very close and urgent treatment is quickly obtained. Parents/caregivers are contacted by a member of the office team if treatment is required.


Medical - Medication Agreements

Parents of children requiring medication to be administered during the school day must complete a medication agreement.  The agreements can be obtained from the medical room officer .  The medication is kept in the school office.


Sun Safety

Children must wear sunhats when outside during Terms 1 and 4.

  • Children may bring their own hats to school as long as they are sun-safe i.e. a bucket hat or wide brimmed hat.  We also encourage children to wear their hats to and from school.
  • All children are expected to wear a hat when they are outside at school. If children don’t have their own sun-safe hat at school, they are provided with a school sun-hat to wear when they are outside.  School hats are washed after they have been used before they are given to another child to wear.
  • Children are provided with a school sun-hat if they are representing KNS at inter-school sports events in Terms 1 and 4.


It is expected that staff role-model sun-safe behaviour to the children, including wearing a sun-safe hat when outside.


Visitors Including Contractors

 All visitors including contractors are expected to ‘sign-in’ using the ‘Vis-Tab’ system at the school office on arrival at the school and to ‘sign-out’ on departure.  The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all visitors and contractors are accounted for in case of emergency and understand the school’s Health and Safety expectations.